The design or value thinking approach is

Your irreplaceable guide on the road

from the opportunity to the VALUE

Could design thinking be valuable for you?

Be sure it could! Design thinking is a universal approach with a comprehensive set of usage scenarios. In any organization, project, or challenge where there is a place for creativity and openness for unique solutions, design thinking will be the irreplaceable guide on the way to goal achievement.

New products development

Understanding your target audience and their needs is a critical success factor for meaningful and long-lasting product development. The yet undiscovered value of your product is hidden in your client insights.

The design thinking approach and methods used during the process will ensure a constant focus on your client and their needs. As well as the process will open multiple opportunities for creativity, unique solutions, and potential discoveries.

Product continues development

Helmut Schmidt has said, “The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement.” and we can’t argue with that.

The design thinking approach and methods will give you the tools to spotlight your client feedback and understand it in detail. Moreover, the creative process will provide you with multiple opportunities to translate the feedback into new opportunities and potential.

Operational processes

The field of innovations has long time ago grown outside of the product and services development field. Today, we talk about new business models, automation and lean processes, social responsibility, and 360 value creation through all organization channels.

The design thinking process will be a guide and go-to approach in any objectives where the focus is on the value and people's needs.

Team engagement

The design thinking approach is genuinely creative and inspirational since it allows discovering multiple new dimensions, letting them shine. The approach emboldens not only potential solutions but also people's creative potential. Everyone is creative, and by expressing their creativity, everyone becomes more engaged and motivated.

The design thinking approach is incredibly inspiring, full of positive energy, building trust and strengthening the team.

How does the design thinking approach look like?

In essence, the design thinking approach is a set of tools and the philosophy manifesting the new value creation simultaneously. The people and the value are at the core of the design thinking philosophy. Only the value to users is the core factor defining the viability of a new product or service. Likewise, people with their unique experience, knowledge, and worldview are unique creative sources for novel value creation, from the opportunity to the value.
However, the design thinking tool kit is the combination of the approach and the methods, enabling the environment of possibilities and unlimited potential. The approach allows for creativity and discoveries from one side and requires people to be constructive and rational in decision-making from another side. During multiple phases of the process, participants can diverge in the various possibilities, while in the next stage, they need to converge back to the single most rational decision. Just to continue being creative again in the following steps.

Design thinking Diamonds, Design thinking steps from idea to solution

What are the benefits of applying the design thinking approach?

For businesses

  1. New opportunities and growth potential
  2. Reinforcing positioning
  3. Building up the client relationships
  4. Internal operational model strengthening
  5. Brand-new value creation
  6. Discovering new market field and potential
  7. Opening new market segments

For solutions

  1. People and value-centered approach
  2. Insight into the value and the needs
  3. Value and business needs based decision making
  4. The pursuit for unique value proposition
  5. Unlimited opportunities through creative discoveries
  6. Continues feedback loop

For people

  1. Involvement
  2. Inventions
  3. Creativity
  4. Motivation
  5. Energy
  6. Positivity
  7. Drive

Are you ready?

In case you don't know where to start, I'm here to help you:


If you don't know where to start, perhaps the best approach is to spot the most acute problem awaiting its solution. Then the problem discovery workshop can be the best starting point. 


Are you ready to dive into the design thinking creative journey? I'll gladly help you planing and delivering the experience. There are various methods that can be selected and different cadence variances that could be used.
I'll help you find the best fit for your needs.  


If there are questions, there will be answers.
If there are needs, there will be solutions.
Get in touch with me so that I can help you with your individual need. 

Get in touch with me and we will find the right solution for your unique need.